800 Consoles Shipped, and counting...

Hard to believe, hard to say, hard to imagine but it's true.  Groovy Wood Studios has acquired, restored and sold/shipped over 800 consoles nationwide since 2020.  No way did we ever think that 4 years later we would have moved 800 consoles, not just to people like you and me, but swanky corporations like Google and Trek and others who wanted to grace their space and employees with such Groovy vibe.  

Then the MOMA (museum of modern art), then Paramount Pictures for their IF movie in May 2024 release (see that post)

But here we are, and our inventory list is constantly changing... from requests, referrals and resounding research efforts.  The Service Department is all aglow with consoles from all around visiting for tune-ups and or rebuilds or modernizations.  And all along the way, we couldn't have done it without great customers and their glowing Reviews.

In 1999, The Cluetrain Manifesto proclaimed that "markets are conversations"... and so here we are,  just being Groovy and bold as ever to use a blogger platform to list and update our ever evolving inventory.  And a few stories.  Because, well, markets are indeed conversations.  You're the ones who dragged us in to this.

Markets, Grooves, Vibes, Conversations... power to the people!

From day 1, we've made it our agenda to allow these pieces to continue to be that connector.  The connection of past and present, and the way that music is the ultimate connector.  “If art decorates space… and music is the art that decorates time, then our vintage stereo consoles decorate lives by accentuating both.”  Groovy Wood Studios

Because we're Groovy that way.

For more info... email us at groovywoodstudios@gmail.com..