IF Movie with 2 Groovy Consoles

In the beginning, my wife just didn't understand.  And immediately she said I couldn't keep them all.  Consoles that is.  What I neglected to tell her was that these were all my imaginary friends.

And wouldn't you know, a couple years after this, we get the call from Paramount Pictures about a movie called Imaginary Friends!!!  If you haven't seen the trailers (see what I did there... If... get it?  I know, I'm a goof.  But a Groovy Goof.

So there was some good bit of going back and forth about what console they wanted.  And they were specific.  I had about 100 ones to show them.  They settled on one, and inside we of course had to customize it for their use and shooting.

The console is an important piece in a very pivotal scene.

From the NPR movie Critic:  "Krasinski, in fact, clearly knows that. He's crafted a lovely moment where Bea puts a ballet record – the "Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia" — on the turntable, and Grandma stands listening to it, bathed in twilight at a window, with her back to the camera. She's remembering the dancer she was as a child, and as the music rises, her right hand does too ... just so. And in that lovely, unforced gesture, you realize all the other things Krasinski's sweet little kid flick might have been"

The console was shown in the opening scene and in most scenes in the grandmother's apartment.  But playing in a few scenes.  How cool is that?

And then there's "Grammy"...

A week later they asked if we could get them a restored working Gramophone.   You know, that RCA one with the dog in front of the big huge horn... but without the dog.  Our answer was yes!

So we will update this post shortly with more pics, vids, links, etc.

Links for Movie Trailers...

And yes we have a few videos, copious emails, all sorts of stuff to remember what we sent.  But these are the pics of them in our showroom. 

So these were clipped from the trailers...

Somewhere I have some cute videos of us on shipping day, blasting the Beastiie Boys No Sleep til Brooklyn, since the movie was being shot in Brooklyn.  Well, there's 16 minutes of fame...

Stay tuned, more to come.

May 17th!!!